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Happy Holidays!

On behalf of all of us at EDDIE'S TURN, we hope that you enjoy the holidays!

~~Eddie & Annika~~

Let's Keep Horses and People Safe During the Holidays!

We thank The Paulick Report for some important reminders for those of us who keep horses and love the holiday season:

  • String lights present a fire hazard when left on for extended periods of time and are prone to damage caused by rodents and other means, not to mention increasing the risk of electrocuting horses when placed in their vicinity. 

  • Holiday trees are flammable. Reconsider placing them close to the barn.

  • Other fire risks include heated buckets, heat lamps and space heaters, and extension cords. Think twice about how you use them close to our equines and their friends.

  • Remember that some plants that we associate with the holidays are toxic to horses. That includes mistletoe, so keep it away from the barn.

  • Too many sweets are bad for all of us, including our horses. Remember to cut up those apples and limit consumption!

Please click HERE for the full article.


Horses and Healing:

When an Off the Track Thoroughbred Proves That Laughter is the BEST Medicine

While we developed the screenplay to EDDIE’S TURN, Annika and I have been visiting many equine therapy places doing research, networking, planning for the production of our short film. We’d been able to watch therapy sessions in progress (pretty amazing), meet the horses and therapists working with them, and even a couple of clients who were affected by the work.

Personally, I’ve ridden all my life so I’m not afraid of horses. I’ve experienced the joy of cuddling with a beloved pet so I know they can bring a smile to your face, but I never had the kind of therapeutic experience that I witnessed others have while we were doing our research until……we visited Heidi Cameron at Worlds Alive Equine.

There we met one of the horses. Unfortunately we don’t have her name, but she was a former racehorse who had recently arrived at Heidi’s stable after retraining as a therapy horse. She was stabled with two other horses that she hadn’t quite bonded with yet. We went to visit one day just to see what the space was like, to hear about the approach to equine therapy Heidi took, how all the animals were used in various ways, particularly with kids who came to visit.

This particular horse just caught my attention. It’s hard to say why, but she was so friendly and seemed to want to connect. So, while the others were looking around and checking out the various animals: two donkeys, chickens galore, a couple of goats, I just stayed and a good long chat with that one horse.

When we opened up the entrances from the stable to the ring, all the various animals moved out. I noticed I had a shadow and when I stopped moving, she came up to say hello.

I always felt like she was laughing, but regardless it felt like my own personal therapy session.  I didn’t realize how stressed I had been until we got back in the car and I realized that I felt very relaxed, happy and content. I do believe I was feeling that way because of that small experience I had with that one horse that stayed in my memory since. 

- Betsy Pollock, Producer, EDDIE'S TURN


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